

Meditative thinking and heideggerian response to humanity’s forgetfulness of being

Author - Affiliation:
Resty Ruel Ventura Borjal - College of Arts and Social Sciences, Central Luzon State University, Nueva Ecija
Corresponding author: Resty Ruel Ventura Borjal - restyvborjal@clsu.edu.ph
Submitted: 06-12-2023
Accepted: 02-02-2024
Published: 04-06-2024

Human beings today are facing existential challenges precisely because the human person has forgotten to be with oneself. Humanity has challenged entities and failed to let others be in a meaningful way. Humanity has neglected to cultivate the correct relationship with the world around us and has been trapped in the many ordinary affairs, which amounts to the “forgetfulness of Being.” This paper emphasizes the existential challenges brought about by technological modernity. It will also look at the dangers, saving power, and impacts of technology on the environment within the thinking presented to us by Martin Heidegger. This paper employs the interpretive method. It determines and identifies the vital insights which are significant to the issues and concerns of the study. Also, other sources were associated with the literature in seeking to answer some questions regarding the challenges brought about by modern. This study argues in favor of the need to reflect on humanity’s appropriate attitude toward technology toward a mode of releasement that could lead to a way out from the existential crisis. This paper endorses Heidegger as an environmental thinker. Furthermore, this paper suggests engaging critically with Heidegger’s philosophy of technology and presents a kind of thinking that could be a way out from the rule of machination. Scientific thinking is calculative thinking, a kind of thinking where everything is reduced into quantification. For Heidegger, it is crucial to keep meditative thinking alive, for it brings about a world in which one feels at home.

environment; existential challenges; forgetfulness of being; Martin Heidegger; meditative thinking

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Borjal R. R. V. (2025). Meditative thinking and heideggerian response to humanity’s forgetfulness of being. Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science – Social Sciences, 15(1), 3-14. doi:10.46223/HCMCOUJS.soci.en.15.1.3117.2025


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