

The relationships between servant leadership, job embeddedness, and turnover intention of information technology employees

Author - Affiliation:
Giang Hoai Kieu Le - Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam
Phuoc Hoang Vo - Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam
Corresponding author: Giang Hoai Kieu Le - lhkgiang@hcmut.edu.vn
Submitted: 21-07-2023
Accepted: 01-10-2023
Published: 19-03-2024

Besides the remarkable development of the Information Technology (IT) industry in Vietnam, the high level of turnover intention is still a great challenge among businesses in this area. Therefore, finding factors that help to improve this situation is indispensable. This study aims to provide a conceptual model to explain the role of Servant Leadership (SL) and Job Embeddedness (JE) in decreasing IT engineers’ turnover intention. Using the quantitative approach, the data collected from 240 IT engineers in Ho Chi Minh City were analyzed by the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) method with SPSS and AMOS software. The research findings show that SL positively affects IT engineers’ JE (β = 0.597, p = 0.006), and has a negative effect on their turnover intention (β = -0.366, p = 0.006). In addition, JE not only negatively influences IT engineers’ turnover intention (β = -0.237, p = 0.04) but also plays a mediating role in the indirect effect of SL on turnover intention (β = -0.141, p = 0.029). The current study contributes to the literature by explaining the detailed mechanism by which SL influences employee turnover intention and highlights the mediating role of JE in this relationship. Based on these findings, the study emphasizes the vital role of SL and JE in decreasing employee turnover intention and provides managerial implications for organizations in the IT industry.

JEL codes
M10; M12; M15

Information Technology (IT) employees/engineers; job embeddedness; servant leadership; turnover intention

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Le, G. H. K., & Vo, P. H. (2024). The relationships between servant leadership, job embeddedness, and turnover intention of information technology employees. Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science – Economics and Business Administration, 14(4), 140-156. doi:10.46223/HCMCOUJS.econ.en.14.4.2859.2024


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