
8 (1) 2018

Inequalities between peri-urban and urban areas in urbanization process of Ho Chi Minh city: an urban political-ecology perspective

Author - Affiliation:
Tran Tu Van Anh - Ho Chi Minh City Open University , Vietnam
Nguyen Minh Doi - Ho Chi Minh City Open University , Vietnam
Dao Vu Bich Diem - Ho Chi Minh City Open University , Vietnam
Quan Minh Quoc Binh - Ho Chi Minh City Open University , Vietnam
Nguyen Ngoc Dan Thanh - Ho Chi Minh City Open University , Vietnam
Nguyen Tran Cam Linh - Ho Chi Minh City Open University , Vietnam
Doan Thi Thanh Thuy - Ho Chi Minh City Open University , Vietnam
Corresponding author: Tran Tu Van Anh - anh.ttv@ou.edu.vn

Thanks to the implementation of Vietnam’s economic renovation or ‘Doi Moi’ policy since 1986, Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) urban has grown quickly. However, this also leads to an increase in inequality. Its peri-urban area, which undergoes higher level of urbanization than urban area, faces more problems such as land use change, inadequate development process, unequal allocation of services and investment, and ignorance of environmental protection and cultural preservation. These impacts show inequality in standards of living between residents of the two areas. Using the framework of the Peri-Urban Political-Ecology, this paper aims to depict a general picture of the situation and analyse the causes of social inequalities between these two areas in terms of economy, public services, and environment through “everyday practices” (i.e. events, problems, stories, etc.). The paper uses HCMC’s statistical data in 2015-2017 periods and research findings from previous studies. The results shows that the main causes in inequalities between these two areas are the inevitability of urban metabolism and the unequal power interaction among the state, society and market.

inequality; peri-urban; urban political ecology; urban; urbanization

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