







          Title will be composed with Unicode code - Times New Roman font, size 16. It will be in bold, lowercase (except the specific name), only capitalized first letter, centered. The title is no more than 12 words, (excluding prepositions and conjunctions).


Author Name & Affiliations/

Corresponding Author

        All individuals involved in the manuscript must be declared with an order distinguished by the commas, right below the article title, with a description of the place of work. The author who’s named first 1 in the list is considered as the main author. The authors’ order list is constructed based on their contribution to the work. The author's name listed with an asterisk (*) is considered as the person who is in direct contact with the Journal regarding to the manuscript’s topics. The list is written with Unicode code, Times New Roman font, font size 12, in lower case and not in bold.

           Foreign authors’ names: first name + last name

           Vietnamese authors’ names: last name +middle name + first name

        Affiliations: The list of places of work is also numbered corresponding to the list of authors:

Nguyen Ngoc Bao Chau1*, Lê Thuy To Nhu2, Akira Suzuki1

1Ho Chi Minh City Open University, Vietnam

2Agricultural Hi-Tech Park of Ho Chi Minh City

*Corresponding author: nguyenvana@gmail.com



          The phrase SUMMARY is bold and capitalized, but not numbered.

          The abstract is in Unicode, Times New Roman font, the font size 12. It must be no more than 400 words expressing in a single Paragraph which includes: an overview of the objectives, the research methods, the results, and main conclusions. However, the summary will not include the equations, table, figures, or references.



          "Keywords" is italicized, and only capitalizes the first letter. All the keywords are not capitalized, except for personal names / scientific names. Keywords separated by commas and have no punctuation at the end.

          Keywords: agricultural soil, bacteria, Barrientosimonas humi C4., chlorpyrifos


Manuscript’s Structure

         The manuscript should have to be formatted in Microsoft Word, A4 paper size, margin left 3 cm, right 2.5 cm, top 2.5 cm, bottom 2.5 cm. The authors should have to use Unicode code, Times New Roman font, font size 12; spacing: single line, before: 6pt, after: 0pt; justified text. The first line of each paragraph should be indented by one-tab space (0.5 in or 1.27 cm).

         A manuscript could have various structure but must ensure all the necessary contents of a complete research. A scientific manuscript usually includes the following sections:

          1.  Introduction

        The introduction should be precise with no subtitles, mentions the research’s the necessity, the research’s objectives, the expected theoretical and practical contributions, and the research innovations.

          2.  Theoretical basis

        This part presents the basic theories/thesis as well as clarifies the relevant theses that the study is based on.

        The part presents the summary of other pieces of research (Authors, years, name of the study, methods, and the results).

        Based on that, the authors would propose a research model, an analytical framework, or research assumptions for their work.

          3.  Research method

        Based on the identified research models, the analytical framework, or the research hypotheses, the paper specifies the appropriate analytical methods/ research models to produce scientifically sound results.

        The scope of the research is presented clearly through methods of data collection; these methods also describe in detail how to measure variables in the research.

Sources of data and the sampling/data collection methods should be mentioned clearly and reliably.

          4.  Research results

        The research findings are drawn from the qualitative and quantitative analysis. This part also indicates the difference of the research results of the paper compared with other previous relevant studies, identifies the scientific & practical contributions, limitations of research, and proposals for further studies.

         The study should only discuss what has been stated and defined in the manuscript; the results will directly support the conclusion.

           5.  Conclusion

         Conclusions are driven directly from the results of the study after contrasting with previous studies’ research objectives. The policies, solutions, proposals are practically recommended based on the results of the study.



         The manuscript is decentralized with headings in Arabic numerals.

          1. Level 1 (ex: 1., 2., 3., 4.): bold, lowercase, only first letters capitalized.

            1.1. Level 2 (ex: 1.1., 1.2., 2.3., 3.4.): bold, italic, lowercase, only first letters capitalized.

         1.1.1. Level 3 (ex: 1.1.1., 1.1.2., 2.1.1.): italic, not bold, lowercase, only first letters capitalized.









        "Table" is shown in bold.

         The title will be put on the top of the table, left-aligned, not bold, lowercase, only first letter is capitalized

         All tables should be clearly numbered (Arabic) and referenced in the text appropriately. They must be centered and placed immediately after the content referring to them.

Table 1

The title will be put on the top of the table, left-aligned, not bold, lowercase, only first letter is capitalized

The heading of each column must be in bold

Collumn Header

Collumn Header

Collumn Header

Row 1



Row 2



Row 3





        The authors employ "Figure" to describe all images, charts, maps, flowcharts, etc. used in the manuscript. They must be centered and placed immediately after the content referring to them. The images used in the manuscript must be of clear and in good quality. The figures’ title must be placed below the image and numbered with Arabic system.

        "Figure" which is in bold, lowercase, only the first letter is capitalized. The title of the figure (not bold, lowercase, except the first letter) will immediately follow the word "Figure" after a period. Units should be included in the figure.

Figure 1. The title must be placed on the bottom the figure


Note & Source

         Note: The notes (if any) must be placed at the bottom of the table/figure, the font size is 10, justified text. They must be integrated into the table/figure.

         Source: font size is 10 and located at the bottom at the bottom left corner of the table/figure



         Any equations should be sent as editable texts, not images. Equations should be numbered consecutively (numbers are in parentheses) on the right side of the page, and mentioned as equations 1,2, etc. in the paper. The fractions are displayed in one line; the numerators and denominators are separated by a [/] sign. Additionally, any more complex equations should be shown by using the equivalent software.




        Measurement units must be presented simply and accurately by using the International System of Units (SI).



        Date is displayed in a format: 21/04/2012


In-text Citation

        The Journal has complied with APA format (American Psychological Association - 6th edition). The publishing regulations have taken from the original English documents published by the University of Waikato, New Zealand. The original English version is available at: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/study/referencing/styles/apa/examples

        Detailed instructions on the 6th APA citation standards are available at the website: http://www.apastyle.org/



A precise acknowledgment declares the contributions of all organizations and individuals who have provided funding and/or facilitated/conducted the research (with their permission). Any conflict of interest should be clearly addressed.



       The footnotes are placed at the end of the manuscript and numbered with Arabic numerals, font Times New Roman, size 10:

       (1) Thuế lũy tiến được thảo luận bởi Ahan (1974, 1976).

       (2) One of the founding editors of ephemera recalls that part of ephemera’s ‘motivation [to include the ‘Note’ section] was to open up to authors not fully entrenched in university discourse’ (R14, email correspondence). In practice, most notes published in ephemera have been written by academics, but also activists and practitioners have found this space.



       The list of references is placed at the end of the manuscript. The authors should ensure that all sources are appropriately cited and correspond to each citation in the manuscript.

       "References" is in bold, lowercase, only the first letter is capitalized.

        The Journal has complied with APA format (American Psychological Association - 6th edition). The publishing regulations have taken from the original English documents published by the University of Waikato, New Zealand. The original English version is available at: http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/study/referencing/styles/apa/examples

        Detailed instructions on the 6th APA citation standards are available at the website: http://www.apastyle.org/


Supplementary  files/APPENDIX

        If there are any additional documents attached to the manuscript, these documents should be submitted for the review.

        Additional documents (referred to as the Supplementary/Appendix) will be placed after the "References" section. If there are different appendices, they should be numbered with the letters A, B, C and appropriately referenced in the text.

        These supplementary/Appendix are netiher modified by the Editorial Board nor published after the approval.