

The impact of Firm Generated Content (FGC) and User Generated Content (UGC) on the intention to use telehealth services

Author - Affiliation:
Tuan Van Pham - National Economics University, Hanoi , Vietnam
My Ha Nguyen - National Economics University, Hanoi , Vietnam
Linh Khanh Nguyen - National Economics University, Hanoi , Vietnam
Yen Phi Hoang - National Economics University, Hanoi , Vietnam
Thu Hoai Tran - National Economics University, Hanoi
Linh Ngoc Khanh Hoang - National Economics University, Hanoi , Vietnam
Corresponding author: My Ha Nguyen - hamy16032002@gmail.com
Submitted: 10-03-2024
Accepted: 10-06-2024
Published: 12-09-2024

The purpose of this paper is to explore the ability of the combination of Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Information Adoption Model (IAM); to predict and explain how Firm-Generated Content (FGC) and User-Generated Content (UGC) influence the intention to use telehealth services in Vietnam. A total of 751 citizens participated in this study based on the non-probability convenience sampling method. They completed the survey questionnaires, which consisted of 31 items rated on a 5-point Likert scale. The authors analyzed the quantitative data by using structural equation modeling. The results from SEM demonstrated the positive relationships in the proposed research model. This study adds to existing research on how FGC and UGC affect citizen intentions, particularly within the healthcare industry. Based on the study findings, the authors propose several recommendations for the application of FGC and UGC in telehealth services offered by hospitals and healthcare facilities.

JEL codes
E00; I12; M31

firm generated content; user generated content; theory of reasoned action; information adoption model; telehealth services

Full Text:


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