

How vividness and review quality influence purchase intention in mobile shopping

Author - Affiliation:
Anh Thi Van Pham - University of Pécs, Pécs
Trung Minh Ngo - University of Pécs, Pécs
Corresponding author: Anh Thi Van Pham - vananhpham8494@gmail.com
Submitted: 13-12-2023
Accepted: 19-03-2024
Published: 12-09-2024

This study investigates the effects of vividness (a web/app stimulus) and review quality (a situational stimulus) on consumers’ risk perception and purchase intention in Vietnamese mobile shopping. In doing so, we analyzed quantitative research involving 400 respondents using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The findings show that a compelling and sociable experience has a significant effect on mitigating consumers’ perceived risk while increasing their purchase intention. Creating the experience involves utilizing vivid features and high-quality online reviews from previous consumers. These results enrich the existing literature by supporting the use of the SOR model and introducing presence as a stimulus to explain consumers’ risk perceptions and purchase behaviors. Furthermore, the study provides valuable guidance in app design that can stimulate purchases while lowering online perceived risk.

JEL codes
D81; D91

intention; mobile commerce; perceived risk; purchase presence; the SOR model

Full Text:


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