

Exploring social media trends over the past decade (2010-2022): A bibliometric approach

Author - Affiliation:
Van Vu Dung Phan - Yersin University of Dalat, Datlat , Vietnam
Anh Ngoc Hoang Bach - Yersin University of Dalat, Dalat , Vietnam
Corresponding author: Van Vu Dung Phan - vanpvd@yersin.edu.vn
Submitted: 24-10-2023
Accepted: 02-02-2024
Published: 19-03-2024

This article aims to provide a concise overview of the latest research concerning social media, with a particular focus on tendencies observed recent year. Furthermore, this study investigates and addresses aspects of social networking and e-commerce. Our study was conducted using bibliometric by using VOSviewer and content analytic methods on a dataset obtained from Scopus. The dataset consisted of 29,667 articles and covered the time span from 2010 to 2022. We explore and analyze biometrics in the scope of this study to identify significant groups and then offer a framework for future research. A brief description and practical standpoint of social media will be presented and accompanied by research recommendations. This research will provide a comprehensive examination of keywords associated with social media, as well as renowned universities that have a substantial volume of content. Furthermore, this study’s findings highlight different trends of research papers with potential keywords, and propose potential options for future research. Additionally, this study makes a practical contribution by assessing the broad range of concerns surrounding the topic of social media and assisting managers in recognizing many facets of social media.

JEL codes
M31; Z130

bibliometric; content analysis; e-commerce, social media; social networking; VOSviewer

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Phan, V. V. D., & Bach, A. N. H. (2024). Exploring social media trends over the past decade (2010-2022): A bibliometric approach. Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science – Economics and Business Administration, 14(4), 89-98. doi:10.46223/HCMCOUJS.econ.en.14.4.3035.2024


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