

The effects of leader-member exchange on employee performance at commercial banks in Ho Chi Minh City: The role of job satisfaction and work engagement as mediating variables

Author - Affiliation:
Nam Dinh Khuc - Nong Lam University, Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam
Corresponding author: Nam Dinh Khuc - khucdinhnam@hcmuaf.edu.vn
Submitted: 15-07-2023
Accepted: 23-10-2023
Published: 19-03-2024

Our paper aimed to identify how leader-member exchange directly and indirectly impacts the performance of staff in commercial banks located in Ho Chi Minh City, through mediating variables: work engagement and job satisfaction. We applied a convenient method of collecting direct data. SmartPLS 3.2.9 was used to analyze Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test our model’s hypotheses with official samples being at 567. The results indicated that the total positive and significant effects on the performance of staff working at commercial banks were sorted in ascending order: work engagement, job satisfaction, and leader-member exchange. The effects of leader-member exchange on staff working at commercial banks’ work engagement and job satisfaction were directly significant and positive. Moreover, staff working at commercial banks’ job satisfaction and work engagement played a positive and mediating role in the correlation between leader-member exchange and employee performance. Finally, we have practical implications for commercial banks to improve employee performance.

JEL codes
M12; M54; J53

employee performance; job satisfaction; leader-member exchange; work engagement

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Khuc, N. D. (2024). The effects of leader-member exchange on employee performance at commercial banks in Ho Chi Minh City: The role of job satisfaction and work engagement as mediating variables. Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science – Economics and Business Administration, 14(4), 129-139. doi:10.46223/HCMCOUJS.econ.en.14.4.2853.2024


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