

Corporate culture - externally committed values: The case study of DHG joint stock company on the Vietnam stock exchange

Author - Affiliation:
Duyen Thi Le Chau - Can Tho University, Can Tho , Vietnam
Hiep Minh Phuoc - SIU - Saigon International University, Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnam
Canh Minh Nguyen - Can Tho University, Can Tho , Vietnam
Liem Thanh Nguyen - Tra Vinh University, Tra Vinh , Vietnam
Nhu Thi Huynh Tran - Can Tho University, Can Tho , Vietnam
Corresponding author: Duyen Thi Le Chau - ctlduyen@ctu.edu.vn
Submitted: 05-04-2023
Accepted: 27-10-2023
Published: 19-03-2024

This study “Corporate culture - external commitment values: the case study of DHG Joint Stock company on the Vietnam Stock Exchange” is an assessment of the culture of the organization through the values agreed in the annual report of enterprises in the pharmaceutical industry in Vietnam today - the case of DHG Joint Stock Company as a specific analysis to generalize Siehl and Martin’s (1989) theory of corporate culture, utilizing annual reports, and publicly transparent financial statements of the company. The research aims to introduce an alternative method, a different perspective on Vietnam through corporate commitments in the annual reports disclosed by these businesses. The study is conducted with the objective of evaluating corporate culture based on externally endorsed values concerning relevant stakeholders, which is crucial for public companies, especially in how they interact with their stakeholders. Research results showing that DHG focuses on committed values belonging to objects outside the organization such as economic allocation; customer; corporate social responsibility, this will create transparency and trust of many stakeholders other than employees such as customers, shareholders, investors, the communities and the government.

JEL codes
M1; M10; M14; M31

corporate culture; externally espoused values; organizational culture; pharmaceutical industry; stakeholder relationships; transparency

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Chau, D. T. L., Phuoc, H. M., Nguyen, C. M., Nguyen, L. T., & Tran, N. T. H. (2024). Corporate culture - externally committed values: The case study of DHG joint stock company on the Vietnam stock exchange. Ho Chi Minh City Open University Journal of Science – Economics and Business Administration, 14(4), 75-88. doi:10.46223/HCMCOUJS.econ.en.14.4.2726.2024


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